A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Card game

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Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014

I've been looking into this for a while now and I'm finally gonna stop being lazy and work on it. The idea is that you make a dragon out of different words. So basically I want to make a game, and on each of the cards is written a Word of Power, belonging to the shouts; YOL, STRUN, FO, IIZ, WULD, or FEIM. 'Krii Lun Aus' will also be included, more on that later. All the cards will have three basic stats written on it, (Temporarily dubbed; fire, cold, and evasion.) on a scale of 1-3. (I chose to leave it at three because of the number of claws a dovah has and the amount of words per shout) The playing field is in the shape of a 'T', with five sections.

Rules so far

  • At the start of the game, both players draw 6 cards.
  • Both players will place, five of the cards they drew, face down in their respective 'T's
  • Both players will flip all their cards face up
  • The point of the game will be to end up with a higher stat in a specific area, in a rock paper scissors fashion
  • The cards Krii Lun Aus, raise no stats, if either player has all three cards, they automatically win
  • You can only have two cards in your hand at a time

Things yet to be figured out

  • When is it decided who wins? (cetain amount of turns?)
  • Make things less based on chance.

Programmers list

  1. DovaKiinZaan
  2. metaldog564

As you can see, this is only a very basic skeleton of a game. If you wish to either help with the game itself, or would like to help in the programming for a computer version, (which I myself am not going to do) please comment below.

(I don't know why it's highlighted, it just is.)

by Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014

I've been looking into this for a while now and I'm finally gonna stop being lazy and work on it. The idea is that you make a dragon out of different words. So basically I want to make a game, and on each of the cards is written a Word of Power, belonging to the shouts; YOL, STRUN, FO, IIZ, WULD, or FEIM. 'Krii Lun Aus' will also be included, more on that later. All the cards will have three basic stats written on it, (Temporarily dubbed; fire, cold, and evasion.) on a scale of 1-3. (I chose to leave it at three because of the number of claws a dovah has and the amount of words per shout) The playing field is in the shape of a 'T', with five sections.

Rules so far

  • At the start of the game, both players draw 6 cards.
  • Both players will place, five of the cards they drew, face down in their respective 'T's
  • Both players will flip all their cards face up
  • The point of the game will be to end up with a higher stat in a specific area, in a rock paper scissors fashion
  • The cards Krii Lun Aus, raise no stats, if either player has all three cards, they automatically win
  • You can only have two cards in your hand at a time

Things yet to be figured out

  • When is it decided who wins? (cetain amount of turns?)
  • Make things less based on chance.

Programmers list

  1. DovaKiinZaan
  2. metaldog564

As you can see, this is only a very basic skeleton of a game. If you wish to either help with the game itself, or would like to help in the programming for a computer version, (which I myself am not going to do) please comment below.

(I don't know why it's highlighted, it just is.)

October 6, 2014

I could work on programming. I'm decent at that

by DovahKiinZaan
October 6, 2014

I could work on programming. I'm decent at that

October 6, 2014
If you don't mind, I'd like to completely overhaul these rules to make it more like a standard TCG.
by Loniizrath
October 6, 2014
If you don't mind, I'd like to completely overhaul these rules to make it more like a standard TCG.

Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
If you don't mind, I'd like to completely overhaul these rules to make it more like a standard TCG.

Be my guest. Though when I convieved the idea, I really wasn't thinking of a TCG.

by Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
If you don't mind, I'd like to completely overhaul these rules to make it more like a standard TCG.

Be my guest. Though when I convieved the idea, I really wasn't thinking of a TCG.

October 6, 2014
So everyone has the same cards? That's gonna get pretty boring after a while.
by Loniizrath
October 6, 2014
So everyone has the same cards? That's gonna get pretty boring after a while.

Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
So everyone has the same cards? That's gonna get pretty boring after a while.

Everyone has the same chess pieces. But yeah, a TCG would be more appealing to the audience. (nerds and geeks.)

by Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
So everyone has the same cards? That's gonna get pretty boring after a while.

Everyone has the same chess pieces. But yeah, a TCG would be more appealing to the audience. (nerds and geeks.)

October 6, 2014
We could get paarth to code it right into the site. We could use gold to buy booster packs, just like the hoard!
by Loniizrath
October 6, 2014
We could get paarth to code it right into the site. We could use gold to buy booster packs, just like the hoard!

Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
We could get paarth to code it right into the site. We could use gold to buy booster packs, just like the hoard!

Kogaan akatosh YES!

by Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014
We could get paarth to code it right into the site. We could use gold to buy booster packs, just like the hoard!

Kogaan akatosh YES!

October 6, 2014

Well, I could help with game design, I have some experience playing with MTG and Yugioh, for real cards, and playing Elements the Game and Shadow Era, for online card gaming. Also, I can help a little with programming, but I only know java and c.

by Volaanir
October 6, 2014

Well, I could help with game design, I have some experience playing with MTG and Yugioh, for real cards, and playing Elements the Game and Shadow Era, for online card gaming. Also, I can help a little with programming, but I only know java and c.

October 6, 2014

About game mechanics, there are some things i thought about, like damage. In Skyrim, there are 10 types of damage: Poison, Sun, Fire, Frost, Shock, Kinect(or Force), Animal, Dragon, Light and something i call Decay.

Without taking the shouts in consideration, the sources of fire, frost and lightning damage are well known for whom played Skyrim, they come from spells and enchantment; kinect damage comes from unenchanted weapons, poison comes from obvious sources, sun damage comes only from the Auriel's bow, animal damage comes only from the Bow of the Hunt, dragon damage comes from the sword Dragonbane, light damage comes from lunar weapons, and decay damage comes from enchantments that damage or absorb health, magicka and/or stamina.

But with shouts, the situation is different. There's certainly no such thing like light, sun, animal or poison damages in shouts; fire and frost damages come from the breaths, frost damage also comes from Ice Form, shock comes Storm Call, kinect comes from Unrelenting Force and Cyclone, decay comes from Soul Tear, Marked for Death and Drain Vitality; but dragon damage may come from the shout that Miraak uses to instant slay a dragon.

So here is my damage cycle: fire->shock->frost->fire; kinect->decay->(frost,fire,shock)->kinect; dragon->all(including dragon)

That disposition mean: a type does half damage on the type that comes before it(in the left), does normal damage on it's own type(except dragon), and does plus 50% extra damage on the type that comes after it(in the right). The final result

That also helps determine the rarity of the card.

by Volaanir
October 6, 2014

About game mechanics, there are some things i thought about, like damage. In Skyrim, there are 10 types of damage: Poison, Sun, Fire, Frost, Shock, Kinect(or Force), Animal, Dragon, Light and something i call Decay.

Without taking the shouts in consideration, the sources of fire, frost and lightning damage are well known for whom played Skyrim, they come from spells and enchantment; kinect damage comes from unenchanted weapons, poison comes from obvious sources, sun damage comes only from the Auriel's bow, animal damage comes only from the Bow of the Hunt, dragon damage comes from the sword Dragonbane, light damage comes from lunar weapons, and decay damage comes from enchantments that damage or absorb health, magicka and/or stamina.

But with shouts, the situation is different. There's certainly no such thing like light, sun, animal or poison damages in shouts; fire and frost damages come from the breaths, frost damage also comes from Ice Form, shock comes Storm Call, kinect comes from Unrelenting Force and Cyclone, decay comes from Soul Tear, Marked for Death and Drain Vitality; but dragon damage may come from the shout that Miraak uses to instant slay a dragon.

So here is my damage cycle: fire->shock->frost->fire; kinect->decay->(frost,fire,shock)->kinect; dragon->all(including dragon)

That disposition mean: a type does half damage on the type that comes before it(in the left), does normal damage on it's own type(except dragon), and does plus 50% extra damage on the type that comes after it(in the right). The final result

That also helps determine the rarity of the card.

October 6, 2014

Another thing i thought about the mechanics, is the type of the cards. I thought about three: creature, word, and cloak. These types of cards will have in common these elements: a name, a description, an image, a rarity level, and an id number(for the database).

Creature cards will have in the description a type, which indicates the damage alignment of the creature, a number which indicates it's base attack power, and another which show it's base health. These numbers can be changed by words and/or cloaks. The creture also will have a thu'um element, which will be explained later.

The word cards have a level in their description, but also have a type and an attack value, which goes from one three. Words can be attached to a creature, changing its attack value, but only three words can be attached to a creature at one time. The level also has an important role, a level 1 word can be attached anytime to a creature, but a level 2 can only be attached to a creature with it already has a level 1 word, and can only have a level 3 if it already has a level 2. The type of the creature will be compared with the type of the word. If they have the same type, the word attack will be added to to the creature with a plus 1 bonus, if the word type loses to the creature type, the word value will be will be added to to the creature with a minus penalty. If the type don't match and don't lose, the value will be added without bonuses or penalties. If the type of the word or creature is dragon, no bonuses or penalties will be applied

Cloak cards have a condition and an effect in their description. If the condition is met, the effect wil be applied. Cloaks can be attached to a creature, but only three cloaks can be attached to a creature at one time.

Words and cloaks can be changed at will, but they have a cooldown number, showing the amount of turns that must be waited until it can be attached to a creature. You can only remove a word if there's another word with same level attached to a creature.

The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

by Volaanir
October 6, 2014

Another thing i thought about the mechanics, is the type of the cards. I thought about three: creature, word, and cloak. These types of cards will have in common these elements: a name, a description, an image, a rarity level, and an id number(for the database).

Creature cards will have in the description a type, which indicates the damage alignment of the creature, a number which indicates it's base attack power, and another which show it's base health. These numbers can be changed by words and/or cloaks. The creture also will have a thu'um element, which will be explained later.

The word cards have a level in their description, but also have a type and an attack value, which goes from one three. Words can be attached to a creature, changing its attack value, but only three words can be attached to a creature at one time. The level also has an important role, a level 1 word can be attached anytime to a creature, but a level 2 can only be attached to a creature with it already has a level 1 word, and can only have a level 3 if it already has a level 2. The type of the creature will be compared with the type of the word. If they have the same type, the word attack will be added to to the creature with a plus 1 bonus, if the word type loses to the creature type, the word value will be will be added to to the creature with a minus penalty. If the type don't match and don't lose, the value will be added without bonuses or penalties. If the type of the word or creature is dragon, no bonuses or penalties will be applied

Cloak cards have a condition and an effect in their description. If the condition is met, the effect wil be applied. Cloaks can be attached to a creature, but only three cloaks can be attached to a creature at one time.

Words and cloaks can be changed at will, but they have a cooldown number, showing the amount of turns that must be waited until it can be attached to a creature. You can only remove a word if there's another word with same level attached to a creature.

The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014


The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

Could the cooldown possibly be based on paying a mana cost, like reverse of magik? If that were the case, we'd also have to have something like lands.

by Mul klo riik
October 6, 2014


The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

Could the cooldown possibly be based on paying a mana cost, like reverse of magik? If that were the case, we'd also have to have something like lands.

October 7, 2014

Following my posts about mechanics.

The game will have six areas: the barracks, where the creatures are picked; the arsenal, where the cloaks and words are drawed; the hand, where the player keep their cards when they are not in play; the graveyard, where the destroyed and discarded cards are put; the stash, where the words and cloaks wait to be attached to a creature; and the battlefield, where a creature and its attachments stays.

Only one creature can be on the player battlefield at any time, and the creature can have a maximum of 6 attachments, three words and three cloaks.

The deck has a minimum of 35 cards, and a maximum of 70, with a minimum of 5 creatures, 3 words and 3 cloacks on its composition.

The stash has a limit of cards 15; when a card enters the stash, it became protected of effects in that turn and in the next one.

The hand can only hold 5 cards at anytime, more than that, and the player has to discard.

The turn has four phases: draw, set, combat and end. The only phase that can be skipped is the combat phase. The draw phase is pretty obvious what is needed to do. The set phase is where the player will put a creature and manage it's attachments. The combat phase is the moment where the player's creature fight with the adversary's one, the attack power multiplied with the type advantage, is subtracted from the enemy's creature health. The end phase is where the player pass the turn to his adversary.

During the match, the health of a creature don't regenerate, unless by an effect or if its type or one of its words type is decay, if that happen, it will regenerate to 1 from 4 points at each successful attack, it only depends on the amount of "decays". When a creature is destroyed, it goes to the graveyard together with its attachments.

By using an effect, a card can be rescued from the graveyard to a zone determined by the effect.

When an effect conflicts with another, the newer will have a preference in the resolution, what means that they will be stacked. When an effect conflict with a rule, the effect will prevail.

A player wins when the adversary has no cards to draw or when five adversary's creatures are in the graveyard.

by Volaanir
October 7, 2014

Following my posts about mechanics.

The game will have six areas: the barracks, where the creatures are picked; the arsenal, where the cloaks and words are drawed; the hand, where the player keep their cards when they are not in play; the graveyard, where the destroyed and discarded cards are put; the stash, where the words and cloaks wait to be attached to a creature; and the battlefield, where a creature and its attachments stays.

Only one creature can be on the player battlefield at any time, and the creature can have a maximum of 6 attachments, three words and three cloaks.

The deck has a minimum of 35 cards, and a maximum of 70, with a minimum of 5 creatures, 3 words and 3 cloacks on its composition.

The stash has a limit of cards 15; when a card enters the stash, it became protected of effects in that turn and in the next one.

The hand can only hold 5 cards at anytime, more than that, and the player has to discard.

The turn has four phases: draw, set, combat and end. The only phase that can be skipped is the combat phase. The draw phase is pretty obvious what is needed to do. The set phase is where the player will put a creature and manage it's attachments. The combat phase is the moment where the player's creature fight with the adversary's one, the attack power multiplied with the type advantage, is subtracted from the enemy's creature health. The end phase is where the player pass the turn to his adversary.

During the match, the health of a creature don't regenerate, unless by an effect or if its type or one of its words type is decay, if that happen, it will regenerate to 1 from 4 points at each successful attack, it only depends on the amount of "decays". When a creature is destroyed, it goes to the graveyard together with its attachments.

By using an effect, a card can be rescued from the graveyard to a zone determined by the effect.

When an effect conflicts with another, the newer will have a preference in the resolution, what means that they will be stacked. When an effect conflict with a rule, the effect will prevail.

A player wins when the adversary has no cards to draw or when five adversary's creatures are in the graveyard.

October 7, 2014
Mul klo riik


The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

Could the cooldown possibly be based on paying a mana cost, like reverse of magik? If that were the case, we'd also have to have something like lands.

This game is already complex enough with my suggestions, lands management would only make more difficul to make. Also, I really don't enjoy mana management and and instants, that's why i don't included here, but my word is not final, we can always discus to come to an efficient ruleset.

by Volaanir
October 7, 2014
Mul klo riik


The thu'um of a creature functions like a cloak, it can only be used when three words of certain types are attached to the creature. It has an effect, but also have a recharge time, this recharge is the sum of the cooldowns of the three words.

Could the cooldown possibly be based on paying a mana cost, like reverse of magik? If that were the case, we'd also have to have something like lands.

This game is already complex enough with my suggestions, lands management would only make more difficul to make. Also, I really don't enjoy mana management and and instants, that's why i don't included here, but my word is not final, we can always discus to come to an efficient ruleset.

Mul klo riik
October 7, 2014

Well you seem to have taken the thread over. I will admit that instants do seem really overpowered sometimes. Spells in yugioh however can only be used in your own turn, we could have something along those lines, seperate from a cloak, as it's not equiped to the creatures. 

by Mul klo riik
October 7, 2014

Well you seem to have taken the thread over. I will admit that instants do seem really overpowered sometimes. Spells in yugioh however can only be used in your own turn, we could have something along those lines, seperate from a cloak, as it's not equiped to the creatures. 

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