Thank you paarthurnax. but I still have questions.
Zaamil - possibly Zaam with a possessive suffix? "I am not your slave"? I can't find a similar line in the English version so this is just a guess.
with this word all clear
Alan / Ahlaan - I'm not entirely sure where this is, but I think you may be referring to the line "Tiid bo amativ"? "Time flows onward". Maybe this is different in the English version too.
you say that it's a typo, but it isn't so, the word is written as there are in the game. I originally thought it was "Ðh + laan" . (as in "ahKRIN" - Courage, (ah + KRIN = Hunter + Courageous) either "Ahmul - Husband" (Ah + mul = Hunter + Strong).
but now I do not know, maybe it's "Ahl + aan" as in "Mulaan - Strength" (Mul + aan), but could not find a reason to cling to the "Ahl" : Ahlag-Impose, Ahlek-Bottle, Canteen, Ahlon- Relate, Ahlond-Relation / Relations, Ahlondein-Relationship, Ahlont-Relative/Related, Ahloriiv -Soothe, Ahlzon -Elephant.
and how to handle both versions in the context of the proposal - "I have served you for long enough. Tiidi do ahmik ahlann." ("my time" of service ...)
I find it difficult to analyze the information when badly understand English. but I hope with you I can understand that word (Ahlaan)