A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Thread Author Last Post Replies
Hin/Him or Ziil?
Folviik December 31, 2016 1
Help with learning Dovahzul?
A newbie needs help with learning the basics of Dovahzul.
BlackBox December 30, 2016 3
Duolingo Dovahzul Course
Duolingo Dovahzul Course
Orkar Isber December 23, 2016 6
Numbers Thread
Pre-existing numbers threads have been archived, here is a fresh one.
Onikpaarqolaas December 22, 2016 0
Dovahro dez
I've been having a wave of inspiration some days ago. Here is the production, "Dovahro dez".
Sosaalvulon December 16, 2016 8
Is 'dovahkiin' a shout
DovahKiinZaan December 15, 2016 9
Missing Words!
Notice a word that doesn't have a Dovazhul equivalent? Post it here!
BuggyDragon December 12, 2016 8
Absurdly Long Words
Breaking down long English words and shoving them into Dovahzul
Vulomjotraan December 7, 2016 20
Dictionary and lessons don't match.
stevepoppers November 15, 2016 3
Translating Songs into Dovahzul
It doesn't have to be completely cannon, but use as much cannon Dovahzul as possible, keeping the syllables the same.
[deleted] November 7, 2016 4
by Folviik
Last reply December 31, 2016
A newbie needs help with learning the basics of Dovahzul.
by BlackBox
Last reply December 30, 2016
Duolingo Dovahzul Course
by Orkar Isber
Last reply December 23, 2016
Pre-existing numbers threads have been archived, here is a fresh one.
by Onikpaarqolaas
Last reply December 22, 2016
I've been having a wave of inspiration some days ago. Here is the production, "Dovahro dez".
by Sosaalvulon
Last reply December 16, 2016
Is 'dovahkiin' a shout
by DovahKiinZaan
Last reply December 15, 2016
Notice a word that doesn't have a Dovazhul equivalent? Post it here!
by BuggyDragon
Last reply December 12, 2016
Breaking down long English words and shoving them into Dovahzul
by Vulomjotraan
Last reply December 7, 2016
Dictionary and lessons don't match.
by stevepoppers
Last reply November 15, 2016
It doesn't have to be completely cannon, but use as much cannon Dovahzul as possible, keeping the syllables the same.
by [deleted]
Last reply November 7, 2016