A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I fear for my data


February 11, 2024

Espero que todos estejam bem. Estou passando por um problema um tanto complicado e preciso de algumas orientações. Recentemente, perdi meu celular, e estou preocupado não só com a perda do aparelho, mas também com os dados pessoais que estavam nele. Alguém já passou por isso ou tem alguma sugestão sobre o que devo fazer?

by MandyLis
February 11, 2024

Espero que todos estejam bem. Estou passando por um problema um tanto complicado e preciso de algumas orientações. Recentemente, perdi meu celular, e estou preocupado não só com a perda do aparelho, mas também com os dados pessoais que estavam nele. Alguém já passou por isso ou tem alguma sugestão sobre o que devo fazer?

February 11, 2024

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Losing a cell phone can be quite stressful. I'd recommend taking a look at - they have a free text message tracker that doesn't require installation on the target phone. It could be a useful way of trying to locate your device and also protect your information. Hope that helps!

by PetieT
February 11, 2024

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Losing a cell phone can be quite stressful. I'd recommend taking a look at - they have a free text message tracker that doesn't require installation on the target phone. It could be a useful way of trying to locate your device and also protect your information. Hope that helps!

February 12, 2024

I'm sorry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. In addition to using the suggested tracker, I suggest you contact your cell phone provider immediately to report the theft or loss. They can block your SIM card and give you more guidance on how to protect your account.

by Fretty
February 12, 2024

I'm sorry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. In addition to using the suggested tracker, I suggest you contact your cell phone provider immediately to report the theft or loss. They can block your SIM card and give you more guidance on how to protect your account.