> Learn > Section I Review


The following are exercises that review all of the previous lessons in this section. Refer to the individual lessons if you need a refresher!

Alphabet & Pronunciation

1. Write the pronunciations for the following dragon words and sound them out:

  1. Suleyk
  2. Konahrik
  3. Mindok
  4. Lahvu
  5. Ensosin
  6. Lein
  7. Sovrahzun
  8. Uznahgaar
  9. Zu'u
  10. Mahfaeraak

See answer

  1. "Soo-lake"
  2. "Koe-nah-reek"
  3. "Mean-doke"
  4. "Lah-voo"
  5. "En-sose-een"
  6. "Line"
  7. "Sove-rah-zune"
  8. "Ooze-nah-gar"
  9. "Zoo-uh", "Zoo-oo", or "Zoo".
  10. "Mah-fey-rock"

2. How would you pronounce the word qahnaarin? In what ways does "Q" differ from "K"?

See answer

Qahnaarin would be pronounced close to "kwah-nar-een". "Q" is similar to "K" except it is further back in the throat. "Q" also has a following /w/ sound that makes qah into "qwah", or /kwa/.

Sentence Structure

1. Identify the nouns in the following sentences:

  1. There are two trolls in the cave.
  2. Wolves and bears range the wilderness.
  3. I am not convinced you are ready to be a Companion.
  4. Mu los hunne ko Keizaal.

See answer

  1. There are two trolls in the cave.
  2. Wolves and bears range the wilderness.
  3. I am not convinced you are ready to be a Companion.
  4. Mu los hunne ko Keizaal.

2. Identify the verbs in the following sentences:

  1. I journeyed for months to reach Winterhold.
  2. Dragons are attacking anyone on the road.
  3. Do not kill the chickens in Riverwood.
  4. Zu'u drey siiv aan dovah ahrk krii mok.

See answer

  1. I journeyed for months to reach Winterhold.
  2. Dragons are attacking anyone on the road.
  3. Do not kill the chickens in Riverwood.
  4. Zu'u drey siiv aan dovah ahrk krii mok.

3. Identify the subject, object, and verb in the following sentences:

  1. I want a Skyforge Steel sword.
  2. Our fortresses fall one by one.
  3. They can slay any dragon.
  4. Dovahkiin krif lot vokul.

See answer

  1. "I" is the subject, "want" is the verb, "Skyforge Steel sword" is the object.
  2. "Our fortresses" is the subject, "fall" is the verb. This sentence has no object.
  3. "They" is the subject, "can slay" is the verb, and "any dragon" is the object.
  4. Dovahkiin is the subject, krif is the verb, and lot vokul is the object.

4. Find each of the following adjectives in the dictionary and write whether it is a strong or weak adjective. If a weak adjective, find its noun form:

  1. Krin "courageous"
  2. Krilot "valiant"
  3. Vul "dark"
  4. Kras "sick"
  5. Suleykaar "powerful"
  6. Mul "strong"

See answer

  1. Krin is a weak adjective. Its noun form is ahkrin "courage".
  2. Krilot is a strong adjective.
  3. Vul is a weak adjective. Its noun form is vulom "darkness".
  4. Kras is a weak adjective. Its noun form is krasaar "sickness".
  5. Suleykaar is a weak adjective. Its noun form is suleyk "power".
  6. Mul is a strong adjective, even though it also has a noun form in mulaag "strength" (itself a strong adjective).


1. The pronouns in these sentences are marked in bold. Translate them into dragon:

  1. Our time is short.
  2. He has two swords that I forged.
  3. Will you betray them?
  4. Skyrim is mine. It belongs to me.
  5. His strength grows. Can you defeat him?
  6. This land is ours. You shall not take it from us.

See answer

  1. Un
  2. Rok, zu'u.
  3. Hi, niin.
  4. Dii, zu'u or dovah.
  5. Ok, hi, rok.
  6. Un, mu.

2. The pronouns in these sentences are marked in bold. Translate them into English:

  1. Zu'u ofan niin dii kogaan.
  2. Fod nust hon un zaan, nust fen bovul.
  3. Het nok Sagnid, bormah do hin bormah. Nid kendov lost lot ol rok.
  4. Ful nii los tol hi boaan nau oblaansetiid.
  5. Mu fen krif fah mu.

See answer

  1. I, them, my.
  2. They, our, they.
  3. Your, he.
  4. It, you.
  5. We, us/ourselves.

Nouns & Articles

1. Write the plural forms of the following nouns:

  1. Grah
  2. Zii
  3. Tahrovin
  4. Kroniid
  5. Gravuun
  6. Su'um

See answer

  1. Grahhe
  2. Zii
  3. Tahrovinne
  4. Kroniidde or Kronidde
  5. Gravuunne or Gravunne
  6. Su'umme or Summe

2. The articles in the following sentences are marked in bold. Rewrite these sentences as if they were in the dragon language, taking into consideration how the dragon language uses articles.

  1. A great warrior must have the courage of ten.
  2. The road to Windhelm is a dangerous one.
  3. The Amulet of Kings could only be worn by a Dragonborn Emperor.
  4. Here is a dragon, and here is the sword I will slay him with.

See answer

  1. Great warrior must have courage of ten.
  2. Road to Windhelm is dangerous one.
  3. The Amulet of Kings could only be worn by Dragonborn Emperor.
  4. Here is dragon, and here is sword I will slay him with.

3. Fin or faal? For each of the examples state whether the translation for "the" would be fin or faal.

  1. The sword
  2. The Sword of Ysgramor
  3. The wicked and corrupt Thalmor
  4. The glorious and righteous Thalmor
  5. By the gods
  6. By the Nine Divines

See answer

  1. Fin
  2. Faal
  3. Fin. Not using faal here can show insult or disregard.
  4. Faal, since here the speaker is talking highly of them.
  5. Fin
  6. Faal

Showing Possession

1. Rewrite the following as compound words with se.

  1. "Servant of the King". "Servant" is aar and "king" is jun.
  2. "Slayer of dragons". "Slayer" is kriid and "dragon" is dovah.
  3. "Warriors of the North". "Warrior" is kendov and "north" is brom.
  4. "The king's peace". "King" is jun and "peace" is drem.
  5. "A friend of mine". "Friend" is fahdon.
  6. "The champion's strength". "Champion" is kaal and "strength" is mulaag:

See answer

  1. Aarsejun
  2. Kriidsedovah or kriidsedovahhe
  3. Kendovsebrom or kendovvesebrom.
  4. Dremsejun, "the peace of the king".
  5. Fahdonsedii
  6. Mulaagsekaal, "the strength of the champion".

2. In each of the examples below, replace the pronouns with the possessive suffixes -i, -ii, -iil, or -u:

  1. Dii bormah
  2. Un zeymah vahrukt
  3. Ok suleyk
  4. Hin zii
  5. Dii dovahhe
  6. Rok los hokoronseun

See answer

  1. Bormahi
  2. Zeymahu vahrukt
  3. Suleykii
  4. Ziil
  5. Trick question! This should stay as "dii dovahhe."
  6. Rok los hokoronu, changes "he is an enemy of ours" to "he is our enemy".

3. A friend gives you this translation for "in his father's memory": "ko ok bormahro vahrukt". What could be better about this translation? What are some other ways to phrase it?

See answer

The suffix "-ro" is very rarely used and isn't a best practice for expressing possession. Other ways to express it include:
  • "Ko ok bormah vahrukt". This lets the possession be implied through context.
  • "Ko bormahii vahrukt". Same as above but with the possessive suffix -ii in place of ok.
  • "Ko vahruktsebormahii". This uses a compound word and the possessive suffix -ii to make "the memory of his father".
  • "Ko vahrukt do bormahii". "The memory of his father", but separated.

Adjectives & Adverbs

1. Bonaar is a strong adjective that means "humble". How is bonaar being used in each of the following sentences?

  1. Hin kah fen kos bonaar.
  2. Zu'u bonaar aam hi.
  3. Bonaar mun saraan ok dinok.
  4. Hin bonaar viik muliil.

See answer

  1. Verb. "Your pride will be humbled."
  2. Adverb. "I humbly serve you."
  3. Adjective. "The humble man awaits his death."
  4. Noun. "Your humility defeats your own strength."

2. Hevno is a weak adjective that means "brutal". How is hevno being used in each of the following sentences?

  1. Hevno ven do Keizaal fen bonaar naan mun.
  2. Drem drey hevno ko ek rel.
  3. Vahzen los hevno tinvaak.

See answer

  1. Adjective. "The brutal winds of Skryim will humble any man."
  2. Verb. "The peace did harshen during her rule."
  3. Adverb. "The truth is harshly spoken."

3. Write the past participle of each word below:

  1. Ru "to run"
  2. Gahrot "to steal"
  3. Diin "to freeze"
  4. Stin "to free"
  5. Kron "to conquer"
  6. Gron "to bind"
  7. Horvutah "to trap"

See answer

  1. Ruaan
  2. Gahrotaan
  3. Dinaan
  4. Stinaan
  5. Kronaan
  6. Gro
  7. Horvutahlaan

4. Write the present participle of each word below:

  1. Liiv "to wither"
  2. Siiv "to find"
  3. Krii "to kill"
  4. Du "to devour"
  5. Dir "to die"

See answer

  1. Liivtaas
  2. Siivtaas
  3. Kriitaas
  4. Dutaas
  5. Viir

5. Use voth "with", ko "in", or other comparison words to make the adverbs below:

  1. Angrily
  2. Furiously
  3. Foolishly
  4. Triumphantly
  5. Hastily

See answer

  1. Ko rahgot "in anger"
  2. Voth nah "with fury"
  3. Med mey "like a fool"
  4. Ko zind "in triumph"
  5. Voth vosaraan "with haste" or voth ni saraan "without delay"

Verbs & Tense

1. The word for "to know" is mindok. You are given this translation for "she knows all": "rek mindokke pah". Why is this wrong?

See answer

Verbs don't change based on subject. The translation is applying the plural suffix for nouns to a verb.

2. The word for "to speak" is tinvaak. Translate the following:

  1. I spoke to them.
  2. I am speaking to them.
  3. I have spoken to them.
  4. I was speaking to them.
  5. He has spoken to me.

See answer

  1. Zu'u tinvaak niin or zu'u drey tinvaak niin.
  2. Zu'u tinvaak niin.
  3. Zu'u lost tinvaak niin or Zu'u tinvakaan niin.
  4. Zu'u drey tinvaak niin.
  5. Rok drey tinvaak zu'u.

3. The word for "to fall" is mah. Translate the following:

  1. She fell in battle.
  2. She has fallen in battle.
  3. She will fall in battle.
  4. She won't fall in battle.

See answer

  1. Rek mah ko grah or Rek drey mah ko grah.
  2. Rek lost mah ko grah or Rek mahlaan ko grah.
  3. Rek fen mah ko grah..
  4. Rek fen ni mah ko grah or Rek ni fen mah ko grah.
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