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The Legacy Dictionary is no longer being maintained. For the most current information, see the main Dictionary page.
BR4 Brah (verb) - Use, Utilize, Utility |
Non-Canon. Authored by Angeluscaligo. Word created on January 20, 2013. #839.
BR43K Brahiik (noun) - User |
Non-Canon. Authored by DosSeThul. Word created on June 4, 2015. #10098. |
"Brah" with the suffix "-iik." |
BR4NU Brahnu (adjective) - Useless |
Non-Canon. Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on June 26, 2014. #7273. |
"Brah" with the suffix "-nu." |
BR4NUV Brahnuv (adjective) - Usual, Customary |
Non-Canon. Authored by Dovah Kriid. Word created on December 13, 2013. #4542. |
Based on "Brah", "to use". Edited from "Brahniil." |
ORBR4 Orbrah (verb) - Reuse, Repurpose |
Non-Canon. Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on April 24, 2013. #1907. |
From "Brah" with the prefix "Or-". |
VOBR4 Vobrah (noun) - Disuse, Desuetude |
Non-Canon. Authored by Edoniis Morlin. Word created on August 5, 2015. #10430. |
"Brah" with prefix "vo-", the state of disuse. |