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The Legacy Dictionary is no longer being maintained. For the most current information, see the main Dictionary page.
VITH Vith (noun) - Serpent |
Canon. Authored by paarthurnax. Word created on January 2, 2013. #381.
D4RALVITH Dahralvith (noun) - Cobra |
Semi-Canon. Authored by crazychris1220. Word created on September 16, 2014. #7848. |
From "Dahral" and "Vith," "hooded viper." |
LOMVITH Lomvith (noun) - Eel |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Dremserah. Word created on January 3, 2016. #10867. |
From "Lom," "water" and "Vith," "serpent", lit. "water-serpent". |
VITH4 Vithah (noun) - Mongoose |
Modern. Authored by crazychris1220. Word created on September 17, 2014. #7859. |
From "Vith" and "Ah," "serpent hunter." |
VITHUV Vithuv (adjective) - Serpentine |
Semi-Canon. Authored by Kaaldunir. Word created on August 17, 2015. #10482. |
"Vith" with suffix "-uv". |