After reading various threads about Skyrim card games, I thought it would be nice to make one myself. I have tried to make such a game before, but didn't succeed. This time, I combined the game mechanics of two existing games and made a new one.
About the game:
Players choose a role each round which will help them build the biggest city. They buy and play action cards and build buildings. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.
Play time: ??? (30-60 minutes)
Number of players: 2-7 (although the mechanics of 2 and 3 players are yet far from optimal)
Rules: can be found in the rule-booklet by following the link below.
Games it's based on: Machiavelli & Conquest (Dutch names) and Skyrim as theme.
What I need:
The game may be ready for testing, it is far from perfect. I know that the two separate games work fine, but have no idea how the combination will work out. So if you want to play it and give your feedback to me, that would help a lot!
Even if you can't play it, looking through the rule-booklet and commenting on that may help.
Things to look for: overpowered cards or characters, wrong proportion of the cards, unclear rules, suggestions for other actions or cards, mistakes in my English, etc.
The future of the game:
It will never be sold, since it is based very much on three other games. It will be available for free in PDF form, and people may print it however often they wish.
The game itself is not finished, and I am currently working on the back of the cards and will then start working on the images for the front of the cards. I will change Alduin's Wall and every type of card will get its own image.
If a programmer sees potential for this game and wants to take the challenge of making this into an online game, let me know! I can give the cards in (nearly) any format and I could make other art which is needed as well. I do want to work on such a project, but will not take the lead on it. (perhaps later, if I become more familiar with programming)
If you want to help, you can download the rule-booklet and the cards here.