A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

(T)(SD) I met a stranger at The Bee and Barb


Lom Zii
December 15, 2014

It was a young argonian man covered in his dark cloak. His skin was blue and he had a big scar over his cheek. He was watching me, observing me with his yellow shiny eyes, slowly drinking an alto wine. An ebony dagger was attached to his waist.

After a while, I wasn't able to surmount my curiosity any longer and I asked: "Who are you?"


"Wait. Is that a dragon name?"

"Geh. It is."

by Lom Zii
December 15, 2014

It was a young argonian man covered in his dark cloak. His skin was blue and he had a big scar over his cheek. He was watching me, observing me with his yellow shiny eyes, slowly drinking an alto wine. An ebony dagger was attached to his waist.

After a while, I wasn't able to surmount my curiosity any longer and I asked: "Who are you?"


"Wait. Is that a dragon name?"

"Geh. It is."

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