The idea came across that there should be a Comic Sans type font for the dragon language. I now suspect that it was a joke, but I went ahead and made it.
For those who don't know, MS Comic Sans was designed to imitate the lettering used in comics, and that's sorts what I went for when designing this.
!!! IMPORTANT !!! This font has both the dipthongs and the number runes. The dipthongs (as usual) are mapped to 1-9, but the numbers are mapped to the majuscule (CAPITAL) top row of both qwerty and qwertz keyboards and to the majuscule C.
Here's the mapping, in detail (all the minuscule (lower-case) letters are their corresponding rune, save for "c"):
1 - aa
2 - ei
3 - ii
4 - ah
5 - uu
6 - ur
7 - ir
8 - oo
9 - ey
Q - 1
W - 2
E - 3
R - 4
T - 5
Y & Z - 6
U - 7
I - 8
O - 9
P - 10
C - 0
To demonstrate: