A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[T][SD] The peak of Irkngthand


August 5, 2014

A blood dragon has become mighty in its devouring of towns in the Reach. It has flown North-East and made its home at Irkngthand. The Dragonborn must crush him. Dovahkiin kend ald faal Dovah, uv rok fen unahzaal.

by Plundersquirrel
August 5, 2014

A blood dragon has become mighty in its devouring of towns in the Reach. It has flown North-East and made its home at Irkngthand. The Dragonborn must crush him. Dovahkiin kend ald faal Dovah, uv rok fen unahzaal.

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