"-dahk" is a suffix that is used very often to form a noun from a verb. Examples include "Yahndahk", "Kirdahk", "Ruundahk", "Vinaldahk", etc.
While it works, I feel like it could be better. I would like to propose that "-dahk" be reduced to simply "-d" to transform verbs into nouns, and "-ak" if the verb ends in something like "d" or t". With this, we would get "Yahnd", "Kird", "Ruundak", "Vinald", etc.
I feel like this would really help streamline the language further. "-d" doesn't conflict with any other suffixes except for "-iik / -d" where "-d" is only used if the verb ends in a vowel. In this case we could have "-nd" instead of "-d" for the original "-dahk/-ahk".
For example, "Gemoro" ("glorify") would become "Gemorond" ("glorification") while "Gemorod" would mean "glorifier"/"someone who glorifies".