Drem yol lok!
I wrote a short tale about the story of Foduiiz, which I came up with for my Dragon Name (and word wall) Contest entry, which was picked as one of the three winners! Whoop! I decided to expand on the story as practice and I'd like to share it with the community. Winning entries can be seen here. Mine is on page 4.
Written in Dovahzul, using the Latin alphabet, with English translations, this is a short story on the fall of a large but humble city known as Nuvas.
Strah wah Nuvas los ni vomindok. Rok wo unad wah kuz nii faasni ozakur ahrk pah wo unad wah hav lost sulvek.
- The road to Nuvas was not unknown. Those who chose to take it did not fear the journey and all who chose to enter did so with comfort.
Bildrun ko hiim los pruzah kolost, grinstiid dein-paagol ofan tursaalle dahrin wah kos pahsu do niist hofkiin. Ahst vulon, deinne geyol yiille fah kun ahrk fah faad ol krah los ni nusaan ko diinaan nor se Nuvas. Niist praag yolos wah reyzan zolaas ahrk ko kriis zii.
- Security in the city was tight, regular patrols gave citizens reason to be confident about their home. At night, guards lit torches for light and for warmth as cold was not absent in the frozen lands of Nuvas. They needed the flames to stay lively and in high spirit.
Hiim praan. Vutharaak, pah los ni ahst drem.
- The city did rest. However, all was not at peace
​Nahlot los kren nol grotiin golahzgal. Goltro wazor ofan joriin do Nuvas pogaas faas. Aanvorey vek los hon. Joriin diin ko niist kostaadde ol sahrot rein los hon nol avok strunmahhe do Nuvasnir.
- The silence was broken by a heavy earthquake. The ground's tremble gave the people of Nuvas much fear. Another thud was heard. People froze in their positions as a mighty roar was heard from over the mountains of Nuvasnir (the state of and area surrounding Nuvas).
​Faal Bronjun peyl fah morah se deinne nuz nust los koraav nistaad. Aanvorey rein los hon us aan lot hask aros. Tey prodahni fos voknau bonaar junaar do Nuvas.
- The Jarl called for the guards' attention but they were nowhere to be seen. Another roar was heard before a great threat arrived. Tales foretold not what was upon the humble kingdom of Nuvas.
Joriin faast ahrk gerik med pusojurre nol leret. Lot ven volk hiim ol hind los sizaan. Aan dovah genun.
"Did you think you could steal from me?".
- People panicked and spread like bugs from a nest. A great wind griped the city as hope was lost. A dragon appeared.
"Did you think you could steal from me?"
Sunvaar golmah nau hiim skuld.
"Did you think you could leave unharmed?"
Aan iirik los ferd zeim golt.
"For you lives, did you think I would care?"
- The beast landed on the city gate.
"Did you think you could leave unharmed?"
A chill was sent through the ground.
"For your lives, did you think I would care?"
Gekenloktaas su los tef voth grem tum ruusii.
"You thought wrong".
Rok bex ok verfaas jot ahrk komeyt zomaar iizstrun amiv ont zodrem brolorre kolos kiir kiird ahrk muz tud.
- The surrounding air was pulled violently down his throat.
"You thought wrong".
He opened his fearsome maw and issued a terrifying blizzard unto the once peaceful streets where children played and men did trade.
"I am The Mighty Foduiiz. Feel my storm."
Wahlahtte mah ahrk vundde tursak. Dovahro surahgol ferd golt ahrk kav konit oblivion. Yiille evenaar, bodeinne gunaar. Hiim los dilon.
- "I am The Mighty Foduiiz. Feel my storm."
Buildings fell and walls crumbled. The dragon's hurricane sent ground and roof into oblivion. Torches extinguished, homes crushed. The city was dead.
Rok bos miizunaal viingge ahrk bo voth qoborom ativ neilaasin. Aan feyfahliil togaat ru nol daanii nuz voth funtaak. Benix uloz rok nok, nisbo. Re mindok do dovahro thu'um, drey hon nii ont us: 'fo, krah, diin'.
- He swung envied wings and moved swiftly toward a survivor. A wood elf attempted run from his doom but with failure. Among the wreckage he lay, immobilised. He knew of the dragon's shout, had heard it once before: 'fo krah diin'.
"It was you, elf, who dared take from me! You! Bandit. Criminal. Thief..."
Dovah sum ont zuk us sumah nunon minohhe nol joorro honiir.
- "It was you, elf, who dared take from me! You! Bandit. Criminal. Thief..."
The dragon inhaled once more before whispering only inches from the mortal's ear.
" ...Fool"
"iiz", fin dovah zalk. Fahliil los, naal nu, seyvuzosaan voth reik.
"slen", mun hon ahst rok wah eim dezii.
"diin!", ahrk aan bruh se krah gejahr fahliil. Rok loost fraan thu'um us, nuz neh voth grik mul.
- "iiz", the dragon uttered. The elf was, by now, paralyzed with shock.
"slen", the man heard as he began to accept his fate.
"diin!", and a mist of cold filled the elf. He had felt the thu'um before, but never so strongly.
Faal sahrot sunvaar gunnar diinaanjoor neben viingii.
"You shall steal, no more".
- The mighty beast crushed the frozen mortal under his wing.
"You shall steal, no more".
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Let me know how I did with my translation. Oh Paarth if you think this is Library worthy don't hesitate to add it in there.
Tiid bo viing, zeymahi!