This rp takes place on the north coast of Skyrim, in the general area of Solitude. Bandits are raiding ships and there is much wealth to be found for the brave adventurer. How will your character react? Will they join a group of bandits, attempt to claim treasure for their own, or lead a force to take back the treasure for those who rightfully own it?
1) No Mary Sues or godmodding, of course. This should be self-explanitory. Nobody wants to play with a character who is 'perfect' all the time and never struggles with anything. Give the character realistic weaknesses, goals, emotions and motives. For example, some rough, tough Nord who specializes in two-handed weapons probably shouldn't be a perfect mage/wizard as well.
2) I will post as both my own character and the narrator. This means that in narrator role, I will determine the success or failure of each character's actions. For example, if your character is moving stealthily, I will tell you if they suceed in going unnoticed by whoever you're trying to go unnoticed by.
3) No one-sentence posts. Seriously. You can write more than "Kaiden sits down." If you can't, don't post at all. I can understand if you aren't up to writing five whole paragraphs of action sequence, but please at least give us a short, four-sentence paragraph.