Extraplolating from the 'Translating IRL Religious Texts' thread, I have taken it upon myself to change major names from the Bible into Dovahzul. Now, I have translated and transliterated several of the more popluar names, in an effort to decide whether to translate the actual meanings of the names into Dovahzul, or to transliterate the names so as to keep the English pronunciations but have them take on a Dovahzul spelling. Let me know which way you like!
- Yahweh
Rokwolos “He Who Is”, from "He Who Exists"
Transliterated: Yahwe
- Jesus Christ
Rahlossavend: “God Is Salvation", from "Yahweh is Salvation"
Qelekaht “(The) Anointed”, from "The Anointed (One)"
Transliterated: Jiizus Kreist
- Mary
Hindfahkiir “Wish(ed) For Child”, from "Wished for Child"
Transliterated: Meyrii
- Moses
Nolfinlom "From the Water", from "Saved from the Water"
Transliterated: Mozes
- Judah
Weridaht "Praised", from "Praised"
Transliterated: Juudah