I've been digging into the dialogue file lately and I've come across some interesting bits of grammar that I'll post here.
Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you! vosaraan = do not wait
Here "Vo-" is being used to make "do not ____". Interesting and a good way of shortening that up. I can see it being confusing in places where "Vo-" makes actual words, for example "Vokrii" could mean "do not kill" or "revive".
Here's an example of "ni" being used.
Zu'u ni faas gaaffesejul. I do not fear mortal ghosts (
QUOTEghosts of men/humansQUOTE).
Perhaps "Vo-" is used for imperatives? So you'd say "Vofaas!" for "Don't be afraid!" instead of "Ni faas!"
Alok, Vuljotnaak. Tiid boaan. Arise, NAME. The time has arrived.
Here we see "Bo" being used to mean "arrive". I like the idea of using these simple words "Bo", "to fly, flow, or move", to encompass all these different meanings. It cuts down on the number of words you need to know and gives more meaning to each word.
Mal morah, just some thoughts. Thanks for reading!