I didn't any other thread about this topic, so, I'm starting this one~
I was searching a translation of "to modify" in Dovahzul, and I found the the translation of "Modification", which is "Vuldak". I decided then to take a look to "Vuld" as it is the base-word of "Vuldak", and it's translation is "Shift, Change, Transfer".
My question is: should we add "Modify" as another translation of "Vuld", or should we create another word which would be a synonymous of "Vuld"?
In my opinion, we should choose the first solution, as "Vuldak" already means "modification", but it would then mean that "to modify" and "to change" are the same word in Dovahzul, since "Vuldak" hasn't been transated by "change" (the noun). And if we accept this, we should the add "change" (as a noun) as another translation of "Vuldak".
What do yuo think about that?