The game goes like this: One person posts a word, then another person, and so forth. Eventually, we'll make a story! At least one person has to have added a word after you before you can post again. The word can be ANY WORD as long as it's just ONE word, it can be Dovahzul, but a combination word using "of" is not allowed. Ex. "Dovahsebrom, Thu'umsedov". However prefixes and suffixes are allowed. I'll start.
/First sentence: There are only very few people in a box full of dirt and other sediments./ lmao
/Sentence 2: We are the people who killed other members for the king./ Woah ok bro chill
/Sentence 3: The only one who remains can't fight because he hasn't used magic of darkness enough./ bro said that's enough
There -