Well translated! I would like to add that you have some options in phrasing that will allow you to shorten or extend the syllables in each of the lines so that they are of about the same length and flow on the tongue. You also have lines that rhyme, which is nice if that's what you wanted!
- "Peace within your being" would just be "Drem kosil" because "peace within" and "peace within your being" are essentially the same thing with just different number of words.
-"Aan" isn't necessary to have to get the meaning.
-"Vahzah" means "truly", so "vahzah ro" conveys "something is truly a balance", not that the balance itself is truthful. Use "vahzen" (truth)
- If you want to preserve the rhyming, I'd recommend replacing the "drem..." line (see below)
My suggestion:
Gol Ahrk Lok, Kun Ahrk Vul
Vahzen Ro, Drem Tu'um
Ahrk aan ul Do Hahnu
Earth and Sky, Light and Dark
Truth Balance, Peace within
And an eternity of dreams
- I use "aan ul" just for emphasis and to balance the syllables
- To convert to the alphabet, use this site's tool for this. Look for "Transcriber" under the "Language" menu of the site.