A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Would you rather?


May 9, 2018

So I'm sure most people have played this before, but in case you haven't, here is how you play:

You think of 2 scenarios or circumstances, bad or good, and ask which you would rather do/happen to you. When you post, you must answer the person above you, you may explain why if you want,( obviously this isn't a serious thread, so you can be funny) then ask your own, 

So I'll start. Would you rather, have onions for eyes? Or spaghetti for teeth?

by Induntoor
May 9, 2018

So I'm sure most people have played this before, but in case you haven't, here is how you play:

You think of 2 scenarios or circumstances, bad or good, and ask which you would rather do/happen to you. When you post, you must answer the person above you, you may explain why if you want,( obviously this isn't a serious thread, so you can be funny) then ask your own, 

So I'll start. Would you rather, have onions for eyes? Or spaghetti for teeth?

May 10, 2018

Spaghetti for teath 

Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently or be dovahkiin in skyrim 

by Mulwahhah
May 10, 2018

Spaghetti for teath 

Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently or be dovahkiin in skyrim 

May 11, 2018

Every language fluently, because then i can go anywhere and still make friends.

Would you rather be high on random narcotics 24/7 orget slapped by hulk holgan every 30 minutes, no matter what your doing, or where you are.


by Induntoor
May 11, 2018

Every language fluently, because then i can go anywhere and still make friends.

Would you rather be high on random narcotics 24/7 orget slapped by hulk holgan every 30 minutes, no matter what your doing, or where you are.


May 11, 2018

We already have a thread for "Would You Rather." It's been a little while since anyone has posted there, but it's a good thread nonetheless.

by Hahdremro
May 11, 2018

We already have a thread for "Would You Rather." It's been a little while since anyone has posted there, but it's a good thread nonetheless.

May 11, 2018

We already have a thread for "Would You Rather." It's been a little while since anyone has posted there, but it's a good thread nonetheless.

Oh........ now I feel unoriginal.

by Induntoor
May 11, 2018

We already have a thread for "Would You Rather." It's been a little while since anyone has posted there, but it's a good thread nonetheless.

Oh........ now I feel unoriginal.

May 11, 2018

The hulk hogan one

by Mulwahhah
May 11, 2018

The hulk hogan one

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