(Not perfect English, I know. Sorry)
One day I worked on a Python Program while my dragon friend was sleeping next to me.
Suddenly he woke up and saw what I was working on. He was fascinated and caught. Very interested! "That looks very spellbounding! What are you doing? I want to learn that! That looks awesome!"
The one and only thing I was able to say, was: "That gets difficult for you, my friend. Because then you have to learn to read and to write every latin letter. The letters you are using doesn't work with this. But you have a well evolved brain and you won't get any problems learning programming. Too bad." Because of this one and only little thing he won't be able to do this. But I tried fixing it. A language he was able to write. A solution. I found: THUUM-PYTHON!
What about other ideas (I didn't try Java, C++ and other)? And how is this idea? (It's crazy and really not lore-friendly, but why not?)
I didn't know how to write numbers. So I thought that Dragons can read numbers with base 2 (10110 = 22). Also I invented Brackets () [] and #.
This program should display a window with "Hello World" in Dovahzul. On a Thuum-Based system. If there would be one.
(Next time I think about Mathematic-Formula with that. It looks interesting.
A simple Hello World Program, Handwritten using Photoshop: