- No OOC (out of character) talk at all. I will send you a group chat for that.
- I have total control of everything
- You MUST be dedicated.
- No plot changing, no matter how little. I decide whether the changes of your character are valid or not.
- It is recommended you learn basic lore; use the wiki. Please note this is an AU so that means that a tiny bit of history will be changed to fit my needs.
- You MUST use proper grammar. Small accidents are fine, as long as you fix them. I want to have a literate thread. If you don't speak English as a first language please say so.
- This is a PURE Witcher thread.
- I control Garelt, the only Witcher allowed.
- Use the skelly I use. Things mark (O) are optional
- Keep Sexuality to a Minimum
- If you do not follow these rules, I will kindly ask you to change the post, or you will be reported.
PLOT: The first Golden Dragon has been seen, despite existing only in legend. A group of Bandits stole its treasure horde and now its vengeful ire is set upon all mortals. A group of warriors, sorcerers and a Witcher quest to defeat it.
(This takes place a little before the novel Sword of Destiny; year not specified. NOTE: This takes place in the of Ellander, Temeria, Mahakam, Temeria and Novigard, Redania.)