Over the past couple of weeks, there have been some serious discussions regarding the current state of the Dovahzul dictionary. The dictionary has over 6,000 words, ~600 of them canon and ~5,500 of them non-canon. As our understanding of the language changed, so did our methods of creating words, and that meant endlessly revising words. The Word Revision Thread is 1,500 posts long.
The main sentiment in these discussions are threefold:
- The non-canon vocabulary is too large and bloated to accomodate any dictionary-wide changes that would benefit the canon
- The non-canon vocabulary is inconsistent, redundant, and doesn't fit the vision of the original language
- It would be better to start from scratch with our current understanding of the language than revise the existing ~5,500 words
Our conclusion is that we want to delete all invented words and create a new invented vocabulary with a stronger basis in canon.
When working with constructed languages, remaking the vocabulary is part of the process. This is obviously more difficult when it involves the work of hundreds of people. The plan of action would look like this:
- Set up a legacy dictionary for all current words
- Publish a new, canon-only dictionary with updated layout and information
- Firmly document and establish the vocabulary rules of the language as we know them
- Form a small group of people who will create the new vocabulary
The idea isn't to replace all 5,500 non-canon words with more canon-friendly alternatives, but to wipe the slate completely clean and build the highest-quality invented vocabulary that we can with a strong basis in canon and The Elder Scrolls universe from a draconic perspective.
This change would affect everyone who uses the site, and so it's important to us that your voice is heard if you have an opinion on the subject. Everyone studies the dragon language for different reasons and has different experiences with it. Let us know what you think and, if this change takes place, what tools or features would be useful for you to make the transition.