NeilaasendYay I helped!
But the removal of Zuko breaks the opposite of inner; Zutir which is defined as outer. So it seems that Zutir would have to be changed because Zuko had the same prefix. I guess changing Zutir to Tirsil would make sense, but it sounds weird IMO.
So after some lengthy discussion, I've remembered the difference between "Kosil" and "Zuko." "Kosil" is actually a compound of "Ko" and "Sil," or "in the soul." So, "kosil vokul," "an inner evil," would actually mean "an evil in the soul."
This limits how "Kosil" can be used. For example, "the inner edge" couldn't use "Kosil;" "the edge in the soul." So, "Zuko" exists as a more general word for "inner" that would be used with inanimate objects and the like. Same goes with "Zutir."
I've added all this to the word notes now so the difference will be clearer from now on.