This thread is for all discussion related to word revisions. You can suggest a revision either by posting below or suggesting a revision from a specific word's entry.
Please state which word you would like revised, your revision, and an explanation. Below are some reasons why a word might be revised:
- Spelling is inconsistent with related words
- An existing canon or semi-canon word could be used in its place
- Root words don't make sense
- It should have a different canon level (for example, moving it to modern words)
- Its spelling is vastly different from what its definition might suggest
- It conflicts with an existing word
A lot of these are very subjective so word revisions will be handled on a case by case basis. For the sake of consistency, words that have already been revised are less likely to be considered for revision, and words will not be changed without sufficient reason.
Thanks for reading; let's build a better language together!