A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Ban Game!!!

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July 12, 2016

Banned for not knowing what an oxi-moron is

by ZuuFenBo
July 12, 2016

Banned for not knowing what an oxi-moron is

Some Witch
July 12, 2016

Banned for making people not understand your post! Banned for defending me!

by Some Witch
July 12, 2016

Banned for making people not understand your post! Banned for defending me!

July 12, 2016
Banned for banning twice in one post!
by demonof666
July 12, 2016
Banned for banning twice in one post!

Some Witch
July 12, 2016

Banned for banning me with only one ban in one post! Banned for finding a flaw in my post!

by Some Witch
July 12, 2016

Banned for banning me with only one ban in one post! Banned for finding a flaw in my post!

July 12, 2016

Banned for having more than one reason to ban! HAH (jk)

by ZuuFenBo
July 12, 2016

Banned for having more than one reason to ban! HAH (jk)

July 12, 2016

A mortal that used to support the dov... Until he took an arrow to the knee. I will think twice about banning you.

Meh. It´s the ban game. So I ban you twice now! You are banned! You are banned!

by Alvulnax
July 12, 2016

A mortal that used to support the dov... Until he took an arrow to the knee. I will think twice about banning you.

Meh. It´s the ban game. So I ban you twice now! You are banned! You are banned!

July 12, 2016

You have been banned for mocking me, I will return with ALDUIN and destroy Nirn, and everyone on it...

by ZuuFenBo
July 12, 2016

You have been banned for mocking me, I will return with ALDUIN and destroy Nirn, and everyone on it...

July 12, 2016
Banned for using all caps on alduin!
by demonof666
July 12, 2016
Banned for using all caps on alduin!

July 12, 2016

Banned for not accepting that I'm pretending to be a dragon priest... or am I pretending???

by ZuuFenBo
July 12, 2016

Banned for not accepting that I'm pretending to be a dragon priest... or am I pretending???

July 12, 2016
Banned for thinking I don't accept
by demonof666
July 12, 2016
Banned for thinking I don't accept

July 12, 2016
Banned for thinking I don't accept
by demonof666
July 12, 2016
Banned for thinking I don't accept

July 13, 2016
Totally banned for not accepting
by Codover
July 13, 2016

Totally banned for not accepting

July 13, 2016
ZUUFENBO IS BANNED BECAUSE HE IS NOT SERVING ME, I AM A VAMPIRE DRAGON! I need help because I'm still shocked by Dur's actual banning.
by Vulreytholm
July 13, 2016
ZUUFENBO IS BANNED BECAUSE HE IS NOT SERVING ME, I AM A VAMPIRE DRAGON! I need help because I'm still shocked by Dur's actual banning.

July 13, 2016

Awww. :( *pat pat*

Wait what!? Banned for being a vampire!

by Alvulnax
July 13, 2016

Awww. :( *pat pat*

Wait what!? Banned for being a vampire!

July 13, 2016

Banned for patting a dragon, and I do not serve vampires, pure dragons are the one and only master I have.

by ZuuFenBo
July 13, 2016

Banned for patting a dragon, and I do not serve vampires, pure dragons are the one and only master I have.

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