A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

October 16, 2017

Skyrim's meaning?

Keizaal - skyrim in dovahzul

Keiz(a) - rebellion in dovahzul 

Aal -  may, might, wish, prayer in dovahzul 

Al - destroy in dovahzul

Category: General


October 16, 2017

We unfortunately don't know for certain where the name Keizaal comes from or if it has any deeper meaning. Quick note that the word keiz is a fanmade word, so can't really be part of this dicussion.

"Kei" only appears in one other word, morokei 'glorious', as a suffix to moro 'glory', so that doesn't help much here. There is one other word that ends in "-zaal," unahzaal meaning "unending, ceaseless, eternal." If un-/unah- can be considered a negative (as in unslaad also meaning "unending, ceaseless, eternal"), then zaal on its own may mean something close to "end," "edge," or "rim."

This is all just speculation—you have to do some mental gymnastics to ignore the ah in unahzaal to make this work.