A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

Emphatic Reaper
August 17, 2017

I'm stuck

so I've been trying to figure your how to put the phrase walk with the shadows into thuum, but I'm running into a road block. 

Narrowing it down to just three words "walk with shadows" seemed to be the best option, but there isn't a literal word for walk so next best thing would be "travel" or "Wundun" with doesn't mean to accompany in the sense I need it to and I can't think of a replacement for it and "shadow" is "vokun" just need help finding a word for with

Wundun with vokun 

Thanks in advance 

Category: General


August 17, 2017

Bo 'to fly' is a general word for movement, so you could say bo voth vokun "fly with shadows." If you want to go more for "to accompany," you could also say aav vokun "join (the) shadows" or something like meyz vokun "become shadow."

The Search and Translator tools can help you find words in the language.


Emphatic Reaper
August 18, 2017

Thank you so much! I think i'm going to go with aav vokun as it is the closest to what i waslooking for.