A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 4, 2014

Print Dictionary Third Edition

This is a question but a very angry complaint. READ THIS!!!!! I have recently downloaded the Dovahzul Print Dictionary Thrid Edition and I was looking throught it. I noticed that the f-word was listed in it and I could not have been more repulsed. I strongly, STRONGLY support what you are doing here with this website and fan community but that was before I noticed that vile word in the print dictionary. If you want to use that word in conversation or in the forum, then so be it, but in a valuable reference source like a dictionary, really?!!!!!! Until you remove that word from the print dictionary and place a ban on vulgar words being put in the print dictionary, you will have the complete opposite of my support!!!! Change it!!!

Category: General


April 4, 2014

Really? I will ask Parthunax if this is true and see if he can change it.


April 4, 2014

This would be better suited as a forum discussion as it's not a question - I respect that you want to state this anonymously, though. I will do what I can to address your concern. It's not the answer you're going to want to hear, but I hope to explain it in a way that we can both reach an understanding.

First, grab yourself the nearest dictionary. Any dictionary will do. Crack it open and see how many vulgar words you can find. If you don't have a dictionary, take a look at one at your local library or check out Odds are you will find the f-word, among other words if you go looking. Even my little pocket German-English dictionary lists the f-word.

Vulgarity is a part of language. Whether you agree with vulgar words or not, the words are there. One of the goals of this project is to make the dragon language as "complete" a constructed language as can be. This means giving it those quirky grammar exceptions, funky word origins, and yes, vulgar words.

Now, there is certainly room for discussion on whether a word like the f-word would exist in the dragon language. Etymologically, culturally, an argument could be made that the dragons would have no word that means close to the f-word. It'd be a great discussion that I'd love to see and I'm sure there would be a wide variety of opinions.

Where there is no room for discussion is the banning or censoring of certain kinds of language. Who defines what is "vulgar"? What about violent words? Or words related to sex or sexuality?

The unique nature of the non-canon words - and this conlanging venture as a whole - means that you don't have to accept any of the words made by the community here. Don't like "Luaan" as the word for "question"? Make up a different one. Don't want a word for "fuck" in your personal canon for the dragon language? No problem, you don't have to use it.

The dictionary you have downloaded is a resource for everyone who might want to use it and is inclusive of all the published words made by the community. Censoring words on the basis of vulgarity alone is not something I will consider.