Question Board
lovaaszoor July 23, 2017 |
Word conjugationsSo i use to be somewhat active on this site and used to be fairly decent with dovahzul. College came along and thus i have lost my ties to the language due to business. Upon coming back ive noticed that many things have changed and i suppose maybe there was something that i once new about the site that i can no longer find or understand. My question would be where would i find the conjugations that would make a word negative (i.e. couldn't -could not) because i know that there use to be a thing about how you would throw the word for not onto a regular word to make it negative but i cant seem to find that list of whatevers anymore. Ive tried looking around in both dictionaries (legacy and not) and ive tried going through the basic learning area again to see if i could find it there but i just cant see to drum up anything.Category: Grammar |
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