A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

March 22, 2014

Declaration of Human Rights

Before I go learning how to say it correctly aloud I wanted to check my translation here. I am translating Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which goes as follows, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

I have checked every word individually and I believe I have it right with "Pah Jul Nahlriihe los kiin stin ahrk rinid ko zin ahrk qaarre nust los enfanaan voth dahrin ahrk hahleit ahrk fend kosov wapur gein aanvorey ko aan zii do zeymahmaar"

I believe I have this right but wanted to run through all the changes I had to make, and I've never been great at suffixes. Also due to lack of translation the word 'dignity' was replaced with 'honor' and 'Endow' with 'Bestow' If you could think of better synonyms I would love to hear them.

Bestow= enfan, so 'bestowed' would be 'enfanaan'
being = Nahlrii, so Nahlriihe would be its plural correct?
Also the plural of right (as in entitlement) would be qaarre?

Sorry for the long one, thanks in advance for any answers :)

Category: Translation


March 22, 2014

Here's a translation of my own based on yours. I'll make some notes on it below:

Pah jul los kiin stin ahrk rinid ko bahl ahrk qaarre nust enfanaan voth dahrin ahrk hahleit ahrk fend kosov wapur gein aanvorey ko zii do zeymahmaar

Since "Jul" means "human" and "mankind/humanity", you could say "Pah jul" to mean "All of humankind" and shorten that bit up. I decided to use "Bahl", "worth", in place of "honor" for "dignity" but it could go either way. The idea is that all people are born of equal value/worth, but honor would be something you'd have to gain. I cut words in a few places; "los" before "enfanaan" and "aan" before "zii". It's not necessary but both of those could be implied in context.

You're completely right on the suffixes, so good job!


January 25, 2015

Declaration of dragon rights.