ThE stAndArd English prOnunciAtiOn Of AnOrA is Æn'??r?, whErE thE vOwEls ArE nEAr-OpEn-frOnt-unrOundEd, OpEn-mid-bAck-rOundEd, And mid-cEntrAl-unrOundEd (&quOt;schwA&quOt;) rEspEctivEly. LEt's tAkE A l8k At Our chOicEs: A 'A' cAn bE OpEn-bAck-unrOundEd A, OpEn-mid-bAck-unrOundEd ?, Or nEAr-OpEn-frOnt-unrOundEd Æ, dEpEnding On spEAkEr.1 '1' is usuAlly ?: Or OpEn-frOnt-unrOundEd ??, with thE mAin strEss Of thE wOrd On it.4 'AH' is idEnticAl tO A 'A' in sOmE AccEnts, but cOntAins A vElAr fricAtivE x in OthErs. In wOrd-finAl pOsitiOn it is typicAlly unstrEssEd.E 'E' is thE Only runE thAt rEliAbly ApprOAchEs A schwA ?, but this Only Occurs in wOrd-finAl pOsitiOn. OthErwisE it tAkEs A mid-frOnt-unrOundEd E Or A OpEn-mid-frOnt-unrOundEd ?.O 'O' is mOst likEly intEndEd As A clOsE-mid-bAck-rOundEd O, thOugh English influEncE sOmEtimEs cOrrupts it tO An OpEn-mid-bAck-rOundEd ?.[ '8' is vEry vOlAtilE in knOwn rEcOrdings. DEpEnding On spEAkEr And AlsO On cOntExt, it cAn bE O:, ?:, u? Or EvEn A diphthOng u?.WhAt is thE rEsult thEn? It turns Out thE mEchAnicAl trAnslitErAtiOn Of AnOrA is AlrEAdy OnE Of thE clOsEst ApprOximAtiOns fOr its sOund. BEcAusE drAcOnic wOrds rArEly End in 'A' but OftEn in 'AH', I suggEst ANOR4 'ANOR4'. |