A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

October 13, 2016

Manner words

I'm planning on trying my best to practice Dovahzul by using words in everyday life with other learners I know, and I happen to be a relatively polite person and use words like please, thank you, excuse me, etc multiple times a day. I haven't been able to find any translation for these words or words like them, and would like to know what to do when I come across situations like this, when I can't find a word for something. 

Category: Translation


October 14, 2016

Canon speaking conventions are very sparse, but some words (mainly nouns) lead a double life as interjections.

Kogaan 'blessing' can be uttered separately to mean "I am grateful", "thank you", "it's a good thing this happened".

Krosis 'sorrow' can similarly cover "I am sorry", "what a pity", "too bad".

A polite request marker like 'please' is not known; commands are typically issued with the backing of authority or not at all.

In general, try the following when a word is missing:
(1) Synonyms. Looking for 'scalding'? Try 'burning'.
(2) Rephrasing. To avoid needing the absent verb 'like', phrase "I like Skyrim" as Keizaal brit wah zu'u.
(3) Legacy vocabulary. As an ultimate fallback, search the old fanmade dictionary of 6,000 entries (Language -> Legacy Dictionary). This won't necessarily be understood outside


October 14, 2016
Adding on to what Frin said. You can also use your tone and emotion to say you are thankful.

Saying 'kogaan' is fine.
Saying 'kogaan' And sounding like you mean it are what matters.