A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 28, 2016

Paarthurnax Quote

After defeating Alduin, I was taken back to the throat of the world, where I was unable to have the conversation with paarthurnax for whatever reason. I stayed there for a while and he never showed up, so I left and came back later. When I did have the convo with him, at one point he said "we must do what we can with this world." He also said this in the dragon language. I really liked this quote and wrote it down to look up later, but when I did I can't find proof he ever said this anywhere? I would really like the translation to this quote and even on this website it doesn't give me the full saying. Do any of you know it?

Category: Translation


April 28, 2016

I do not know of such a quote from Paarthurnax, but here is a fairly simple translation:

Mu fent dreh daar mulu bolaav voth lein. "We shall do that (which) our strength grants with the world."


April 28, 2016

I found the conversation in the dialogue file. Here are the lines you might be interested in:

You have won a mighty victory. Sahrot krongrah (mighty victory) - one that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see.

The world is a better place without Alduin.

Perhaps. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein (such is the world). ... Even I cannot see past Time's ending to what comes next. Niid koraav zeim dinoksetiid (There is no seeing through the death of time). We must do the best we can with this world.

Unfortunately his dragon lines aren't a translation of what you're looking for, but Frinmulaar's translation is a good alternative.