A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

October 6, 2015


How do you become apart of the staff? 

Category: General


October 6, 2015

Translators are people who help provide translations for the non-English dictionaries, such as Russian, German, or Spanish. The best Translator candidates are native speakers of the language. Otherwise, 2+ years experience with the language would be ideal.

The moderating team changes on an as-needed basis. If one member steps down or if there is increased activity that we need additional help with, we'll bring on someone new. The best moderator candidates are people who have been active with the language and the community for a long time, can provide friendly advice and answers, and have proven themselves to be mature and capable of handling the responsibilities.


October 6, 2015

I can translate punjabi. "Otherwise, 2+ years experience with the language would be ideal.", does that mean Dovahzul or the language? I probably have a better chance of becoming a translator than a Moderator.


October 7, 2015

Well, I could do the translation to Brazilian portuguese if you guys let me