To all who wish to ask a question, this site is largely abandoned and answers come few and far between. I've tried to answer some but  there is no guarantee they see it. If you decide to read this, I will provide a link to a dictionary for translation purposes. It contains every canon, semi-canon, and non-canon word as well as how to pronounce and write it in Dovahzul. Also included is a more advanced version of the dictionary to cross reference and figure out which word is best for you. I recommend beginning with the 5th edition for a guide on how to use various words, and only use the 4th edition if you have a need of non- and semi-canon words to suit your needs. As for grammar, there are lessons on this site that explain how it works. I unfortunately cannot answer any questions about the games on this site, as I have not played them. If you see this, and still cannot find the answer to your query, say DREM YOL LOK before the rest of the title of your question and I will do my best to answer if someone else doesn't. Even if you choose not to, I will most likely try to answer, but I will prioritize those inquiries labeled with DREM YOL LOK. Should you wish to contact me further to talk about the language, you can reach me at [email protected]. If you would like an easy way to see the answers to previous questions and some other translation items, you can view the following document: 

Thank you for your time.



Category: General