You got me down bad direct translation

Hi gaav zey tum volzah

Though a more apt translation might be 

Hi lost zey ko frin



The direct translation is Niiv, which means ball. 


The Moderators

Most moderators and members have abandoned this site after 2019. People just weren't as interested anymore. Occasionally you’ll see one answer a question, but it is far from reliable. Most of the services are down as well.



There is no canon way to say Transform, other than the connotation of Yol, fire, being change in its purest form. A non canon word was made, Volbur, a noun meaning chaos, change, or disorder. It transforms into an adjective as Volburaal. There is a verb, also non canon, Vuld(not to be confused with Wuld) which means to shift, change, transfer, modify. There is also Vuldak, the noun form. Metamorphosis is Vuldakbuld. Vuldiik is a modifier or force of change. Vuldit is to tamper with. Vuldrus is changeable, volatile. All of these are non canon, and serve as direct translations. A more accurate way would be to change the context around Yol to represent change rather than fire. Seeing as it is always used referencing destruction, you might have to imply destruction to make way for new growth, or destruction of one form for replacement by another.



There is no canon word specifically, however, one could say “Vodul”, a semi-canon derivation of the canon “Du’ul” meaning crown, and the prefix “Vo”, meaning opposite of. Some more ways of saying it might be “Vodu’ul”, “Undu’ul”, “Dudu’ul”. Un- and Du- are negative prefixes, Du- being more speculative. I would say stick with either Vodul or Vodu’ul depending on how you want the rhythm of your piece to feel. 


Bonestrewn Crest

Lunerio is a human name of a bard, and so has no translation. Yueion is a mistranslation of Yuvon, meaning golden. 



Null, as a number, meaning zero, is simply Nul, though this is non canon. The canon word for nothing, which should properly translate to zero, is Nid. 



Yes, sadly there are no words of the like in canon. Other than Haas, meaning Health. A non canon suggestion that was proposed is the noun Sulvek, meaning comfort or solace. As for cure, there is Vokras, a semi-canon noun meaning cure. Derived from the canon Krasaar, meaning sickness. 

It's been a busy month, my apologies for the delay. I have decided to place the answers to all the questions i have answere this year here, as a way of looking back on it. Unaz yun eruvos!


Category: General