A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

March 14, 2023


So I downloaded the dictionary and the word Your is in there 3 times in Dovah: hein, hin, him. How are these used? Are hey tensed? Are they for different genders? Just curious...

Category: Grammar


March 15, 2023

((Use hin if unsure of whether to use hin or him))
Apologies for the numbers, I have no clue how to turn that off.//

pronoun - your

Alternative form him possibly used before words that begin with ‘h’. The possessive suffix -iil may be used instead of hin to indicate second person possession.

pronoun - your

Special form of hin ‘your/yours’. Possibly used before words that begin with ‘h’, or particular in usage with hind ‘wish’. Use hin if unsure of whether to use hin or him. The possessive suffix -iil may be used instead of him to indicate second person possession.

And then there is the suffix -iil, -ii, -u
As and example I will use tuz (blade)
Tuziil - your blade
Tuzii - His/Her/ Their blade
Tuzu - Our blade

Personally, I use the suffix as often as i can. Hin and -iil are your best bet.