A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

July 5, 2020

Dragon name tattoo

Hello my name is Oskar I am from Sweden and looking for a translation of my name to draconic. I wanna get a skyrim themed tattoo and I was thinking of my Norse name in the dragon tongue. I guess the Norse equivalent of my name is Asgeir which means 'God Spear' As = God, as in Aesir and Geir = Spear. As I can't find an equivalent for Spear in dragon tongue and I want the name to be three syllables like in the game. I was thinking God Blade Cut, Rah Tuz Vey. What do you think? I am not enturely sure about it of anyone has any better ideas I am all ears. :) 

Category: Translation


July 5, 2020

I think you have it right! I would, however, switch Vey and Tuz because that's easier to pronounce: Rahveytuz. Sounds cool!