A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

May 21, 2020

How would you translate "Mask", "Role", "Play" or "Game"?

I would like to know how to translate the phrase "Play a Beautiful Game" --it appears there is no word for game or play. Or another idea, that each person is a "Mask of God". No word for Mask. What would you suggest? "Laugh" doesn't exist either. I would like to get a tattoo expressing this idea--that God is Playing a game, and we are in it, we are him playing. Would be a cool tattoo, especially using language from a video game series. Cool on multiple levels. Anybody help?

Category: General


June 15, 2020

Dovahzul is a language with a lot of meaning behind every word. For example what does father mean for a eternal immortal sexless creatures. I highly disadvice getting a tattoo unless you study this language and interract with others. You do not want to encounter someone mastering the language and show you the mistakes  

Staying within canon you have to get creative. Play can be replaced with 'do' or 'join'. Game should go a lot more in detail mind-fight, challenge, trick/stratagem. But likely does not fit this situation.

Mask of god, in this context face of god would probally have the same meaning. Otherwise try part of god. 

going to non-canon is a deep and lonely rabbit hole. There are many words, but all come with history and very rarely used in the community. Play-tinvaatey is talk-tale, or a play as in act. 

Daar los kred do rah. Mu los ko nii. 
Be really careful with non-conan. It is meaningless till someone gives it meaning. (Which surprisingly fits the saying.)