A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

May 10, 2020


I tried a few replacements like ‘meaningless’ or even peripheral combinations like ‘not important’ and still came up dry on this one. Kinda funny how it seems like the concept itself is conspicuously absent, as if Dov never got side-tracked by what doesn’t matter, heh. Anyway, hopefully someone here will have better fortune than I. Thank you in advance to anyone who might be able to translate. If not, thank you for trying anyway. The context is a summary dismissal of someone else’s concerns (i.e: It’s irrelevant, so don’t bother worrying about it right now) wherein ‘Irrelevant’ is the entirety of the sentence.

Good hunting. --FV

Category: Translation


May 10, 2020
You could use "Sahlo" which means "weak, ineffective, poor". There is also "Morah" which means "Focus/Give attention" and "Balaan" = "Worthy", you could therefore say : "Ni los balaan morah" (It's not a worthy focus = We should not give attention to it.), or simply "Vobalaan morah" (Unworthy focus)


May 23, 2020

Muuuch better, yes. Thanks again.


May 10, 2020

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