A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 3, 2020

Me vs. Dragon

Browsing the canon dictionary I found it is listing the thu'um pronunciation of the word "me" as dovah. Dovah = dragon. Is this a glitch?

Category: General


April 3, 2020
More often than not, dragons will use "Zu'u" to say "I / Me" but in some very rare cases they can say "Dovah" to refer to themselves. The most suitable example is the phrase Alduin uses when he ressurects a dragon : "Ziil gro dovah ulse!" (Your soul is bound to ME for eternity!)

I hope it helped, although I'm not sure that was really your question.