A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

March 5, 2020

What is the translation for lucid and lullaby

Category: Translation


March 5, 2020
Lucid : "Showing or having the ability to think clearly, especially in intervals between periods of confusion or insanity"

There is no direct word to say "lucid" in Dovahzul, but with this definition we can find few equivalents:

- Onik (wise) : Someone is "wise" when he has or shows experience, knowledge, and good judgement in any type of situation, which could fit with the idea of being lucid.

- Mindoraan (to understand) : Even if this one isn't an adjective like "lucid", you can use it in a certain context :

"This man is very lucid about his life."

-> "Daar mun mindoraan pruzah do laasii/hin laas." (This man understands well about his life.)

Lullaby : "A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep."

Technically, a lullaby is a peaceful song used to make children sleep. Again, there are plenty of ways to say that. Here are my suggestions:

- Drem lovaas (peaceful song)

- Lovaassehahnu/Lovaas do hahnu (song of dream)

- Lovaassekiir/Lovaas do kiir (song of children)