A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

January 10, 2020

Stop or prevent does a translation exist?

I'm simply trying to find out what stop or prevent is in the tongue of the dovah.

Category: General


January 11, 2020

You can use "Drun" (to bring, make happen) and "Nis" (can't). For instance : "The guardian prevents the thief from escaping" could be : "Deinmaar drun tafiir nis filok".


January 17, 2020

I would offer this: "Stop!" can be "Ni bo!" (Don't go) or "Vobo!" (Un-go!) or "Saraan!" (wait). 

Kahvozein's sample sentence "The guardian prevents the thief from escaping" can be translated as "The guardian defeats the thief's escape" or "(Fin) deinmaar viik (fin) tafir filok." or literally "The guardian defeats the thief escape".

Alternately (maybe not recommended):   You can use "vo" (undo) and say "Deinmaar vo fin tafir filok." (The guardian undoes the thief's escape."