A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

April 8, 2019

Sense, Scent and Smell

What are the translations for the words:

Smell: [ n. the faculty of perciving odors or scents] [ v. the process of using said faculty]

Sense: [ n. the faculty of perciving external stimuli, including smell] [ v. the process of use]

Scent : [ n. odors and stuff] 

Category: General


April 11, 2019

Dovahzul cacnon words only reference bad smells and scent - pook (stink) and bein (foul). To convey scent, I recommend using "ok/ek rii ko su/ven" (his/her essence in the air/wind) since scent is associated with the air that carries it. Here's a sample English sentence with all of those words used, followed by a possible Dovahzul equivalent:

"The scent of the hunter was hidden to the wolves. He smelled them before they sensed his presence."

"Fin rii do ah lost vonun wah fin grohiikke. Rok mindok rii do niin ko fin su us nust siiv ok kos." (Literally, "The essence of the hunter was hidden to the wolves. He knew the essence of them in the air before they found his presence.")