A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

October 26, 2018

Help to translate

Hello everyone
May I ask any clever people to translate my sentense?

"All guests greeted unknown, uninteresting and unnecessary aunt"


Category: Translation


November 17, 2018
At first I thought the sentence was random words, but then I realized after googling it that it's from War And Peace, the book, haha.

"All the guests had to go through the formality of an introduction to this superfluous and uninteresting aunt , whom no one knew or cared to know."

The original sentence provides context that can be used in translation:

"Pah wo meyz wah fin hofkiin piraak heyv wah grind fin vodahmin volaan ahrk nil briinah do ek monah, wo nid mindok uv frin wah mindok."

Literally, "All who came to the house had the obligation to greet the forgotten unwanted and empty sister-of-mother (exchange with briinah do bormah if the other side), whom nobody knew or we're eager to know."