A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

January 21, 2018

translation of barong(sp?) and fenghuan(sp?)


I got a message from someone in dragon language and can't find two words, they're probably (completely) misspelled. Can anyone here maybe figure out what it should be? I would be very grateful.

The original message is:

Kulaas "name",
From the other side of Midgard i wish you much ahkin, fus ahrk haas. Much barong and fenghuan here!
Suleyk ahrk kogaan.
Wudoniik "name" 
(allready found that it should be "wunduniik")

As far as i've translated:

Princess "name",
From the other side of Midgard i wish you much courage, force and health. Much barong and fenghuan here! 
Power and blessings,
Traveller "name"

With kind regards,

Category: Translation


January 21, 2018
Both those words are from Chinese mythology, not Dovahzul.

Fenghuang are "dragon birds" that rule other other birds.

And Barong is the lion-dragon creature you see in the Chinese New year parade.


January 21, 2018
All the words you have translated are correct. The remaining two do not resemble any dragon language words, either in canon or Legacy.