A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Question Board

January 12, 2018

Trying to understand the two dictionary differences


I've been trying to learn Dovahzul again after having taken a huge break from it. I think I understand that the current dictionary only contains canon words? As a community are things trying to be pushed to only use canon? Or if I were to want to use this as a language to speak with friends (or other members), should I attempt to use the legacy dictionary for all the other non-canon words?

I suppose I'm just a little lost on how to be able to use the language for as much as possible.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Category: General


January 12, 2018

Hey, Ponkapa, welcome back!

You're correct that the current dictionary contains only canon words. Our lessons, contests, and such also focus on canon only now. The legacy dictionary is still there, though, and it's up to you how much you want to use it.

Since you're looking to use the language with your friends in everyday situations, I recommend getting a good grasp of the canon language and then dipping into non-canon vocab when you need to. The reason we focus on canon is because if you went to non-canon vocab right away, it'd be easy to learn the language as simply English with different words. Try learning how to express things in canon first, and you'll be able to use those non-canon words more naturally.


January 12, 2018
Exactly! There is definitely an art for how to phrase things. When it comes to talking to other members, part of the fun is we can teach each other how to express certain things so we all can understand one another better.


January 12, 2018

Thanks paarthurnax!

I imagine a lot of the language is finding ways to describe everyday things in a way that makes sense with the canon words, like how in canon qethsegol is bone of the earth. My only concern then, is if I were to speak to other members, I'm worried about not being understood. Is it more of just an art you learn to express yourself in?


January 12, 2018

Well, that makes sense!

Might I take a moment to send my appreciation for and your choice in name, everything considered, paarthurnax. Hope to see you all around more! Back to the canon memrise course for now.