Question Board
Foduiiz April 11, 2014 |
I think the definition for "-aan / -laan (suffix)" might be wrong
That's the definition, according to the dictionary. The reason I'm confused by this is because, after some googling, I found that present progressive tense was, in English, basically the '-ing' prefix. e.g. he is battling dragons So by that logic battle -> battling Translated grah -> grahlaan Therefore grahlaan = battling but grahlaan ≠ battled I right?? And so rok grahlaan dovahhe ≠ he has battled dragons but rather rok grahlaan dovahhe = he (is) battling dragons
My brain hurts after writing this so I hope it makes sense. If someone could explain to me what's going on with this definition that would be great. I might just be overthinking it, idk. kogaanne ahrk noxhe. Category: General |
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