A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A community for the dragon language of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

All posts by Muddic

Date Posted Post Thread
June 15, 2020 I kind of like the dull descriptions. Making the descriptions complete makes them long or unclear. A... Revise Dovahzul Canon Memrise Course
June 15, 2020 Canon should be pretty fixed. What parts do you want to revised? New Memrise Course In The Making
December 20, 2019 The memrise course is "old" dovahzul. Over time some new words were introduced or the mean... 8 Missing Words On Memrise (Canon)
February 15, 2019 The setting that we use is a barbaric settings. For us this setting works really well with the ... Opinions on a Dovahzul based D&D/Pathfinder campaign?
November 16, 2018 Zu'u fund saag skooma? Daar los ahk ko keizaal? Zu'u mindok daar nunon nol ESO.Het hin dovah... A small riddle type thing.
November 16, 2018 DovahkiinLovaasZu'u los ni pruzah voth sik nuz Zu'u fund saag Zu'u los malbrii pruzah vo... Sik
July 20, 2018 Bit of an old topic, but a very relevant discussion.The thing for me that makes dovahzul a great lan... Expanding the Language
July 20, 2018 I never though of dragons as being sexless. In that case monah and bormah have a way higher meaning ... Translation Suggestion Thread
July 19, 2018 There are words in my list where I ask if a more general use of it might apply. One reason to allow ... Translation Suggestion Thread
February 27, 2018 TinvaakboFin Mah do Alduin1 Yol yol dovah yol,2 alok voth rot se kruziik rathgol.3 Alok alok nol fin... FIN MAH DO ALDUIN(Complete)